Let's Talk About Boundaries

Do you ever wake up exhausted or leave a conversation feeling drained? Do you sometimes notice feelings or sensations that don’t seem to make sense?

When our energetic boundaries are weak, it can be difficult to protect ourselves from outside forces that have nothing to do with us. When this happens, we can end up feeling overwhelmed, on edge or imbalanced.

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Especially after a full year of hibernation, many of us are eager to get out and about to reconnect with others. We crave human connection with kindred spirits and strangers alike. Yet there is something that might also be holding us back. 

The days alone in our sheltered routines may have taught us something deeper about ourselves, including the importance of protecting who we really are. There is an undeniable comfort in strengthening our own voices even in prolonged silence.

Change is in the air and there is an opportunity to choose the path you will take to support your truth. This requires courage to eliminate relationships, behaviors and routines that no longer support your path. It also depends on creating and maintaining strong boundaries. 

Supporting the physical body requires adequate rest, nourishing food and intelligent movement. Supporting the energy body is more nuanced, but equally important. This may require heightened awareness of your own energy body and intention to bolster your life force (or prana). 

Coming out of a Spring Reset or day of rest, you may have clear insight about the one lifestyle behavior that you need to change in order to set off a chain reaction to move in the right direction. Or maybe you just have an inkling of what you might need.

Ask yourself…. How will you create rituals that move you towards a higher vibration of possibility and love, while also protecting you from anything that drains your energy?

There is no question that we ALL need to strengthen and protect our energy. Although we cannot see it  in the same way we see our physical body, there are subtle ways to raise awareness about our own energy body in order to create stronger boundaries. 

Energy has the power to fuel and protect. Here are 3 simple rituals you can do right now to create a strong foundation for clear and healthy boundaries:

  1. Tap Into Your Breath: The breath is a vehicle for transporting your own personal energy though the physical body. If you do not yet have a daily breath practice, start with a simple grounding exercise. While lying on your back, place your hands on your belly, close your eyes and observe the movement of your breath and body for 10 rounds of breath.

  2. Daily Intention: Make a practice of setting a personal intention from your heart. I like creating a one-word intention that can serve as my anchor when I feel rattled or upset by something I experience.

  3. Get Out Into Nature: While hiking through the woods is powerful, you can live in the city and still reap the benefits that nature has to offer. Walk barefoot on the earth, look up at the sky, smell a flower, touch a tree, listen to the birds and feel the sun on your face. You bolster your energy anytime you connect directly with nature through your senses. Make it a daily habit to step outside regardless of the weather.

Energy has the power to fuel and protect and these are just the first simple steps to connecting to your own energy. For extra sensitive souls and those working in the healing professions, there are additional practices you may need to do like clearing techniques (using crystals, sage or sound vibration) and grounding. Your own daily rituals are the foundation for clear and healthy boundaries.

Hope to see you on the mat!

xo Kika


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Boost Your Energy This Spring